Kindergarten1989downloadmagnetlink From kindergarten, students engage in hands-on activities that awaken and develop their creativity. We think that real learning is inconceivable without real things happening in real life. Today, schoolchildren are in a state of social "greening", aimed at effective interaction with the environment: it becomes a factor in their self-determination. The originality of such educational relations is based on: a) the subject-subject content of education; b) real business learning situations; c) educational technologies that make it possible to form the skills and abilities of a real business in real life conditions; d) the principle of integrating the entire educational process with life. The term "ecology" refers to the sphere of life of the planet Earth, where the main role is played by living beings, in the course of their vital activity, natural and social changes occur, associated with the emergence of new forms of energy, substances, etc. Hence the concept of "environmental problem", including questions about the safety of life on Earth and the problem of the survival of mankind. The concept of "biosphere" is associated with the doctrine of living nature, which includes natural complexes of inanimate nature, including the biosphere, as well as living organisms living in it. An ecosystem is a collection of living organisms and their communities related by a common origin, biological role, interaction and interdependence and contributing to the implementation of biological functions. Animals are collections of organisms organized according to special laws of metabolism, adapted to perform biological functions and spread their species. Animals include: mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, amphibians, insects, etc. Plants are a set of organisms capable of photosynthesis, formed as a result of photosynthesis, which occurs in the process of chemosynthesis. The fauna of the Northern Hemisphere is quite diverse, it combines representatives of the most diverse subspecies, types and species. The life and activity of animals and plants are united by a single connection of origin and development, which differs only in different levels of organization. The sources of all life on Earth are: water, air, soil, wildlife and some other components of the natural environment. Living organisms not only produce and consume the types of energy known to mankind, but also use it for their development. The peculiarity of living organisms is that they develop and improve their vital activity in interaction with the natural environment. All living things on the planet are organic and inorganic substances in which a continuous biochemical cycle takes place, substances are renewed, but living organism complexes do not die. In Progress 3e8ec1a487
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